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快速土壤修复技术 让污染土地获新生

             来源:谷腾环保网 阅读:21329 更新时间:2011-11-21 13:26

访洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司总监Martin Richell

由左至右依次为:总监Martin Richell(左一)总经理蒋志鹏(左二)
国际业务发展经理Laura Lam(右二)国际业务发展总监林大卫(右一)

2011年11月6日-7日,2011第二届化工行业环保治理技术交流会在上海艾福敦大酒店举行。本次会议由谷腾环保网主办,中国化工信息中心、全国功能高分子行业委员会为支持单位。在6日下午的“化工行业废气及固体废物处理技术与案例分析”专场中,洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司总监Martin Richell做了题为“化工行业搬迁场地的土壤修复”的主题演讲。

会中,谷腾环保网采访了洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司总监Martin Richell,旨在进一步了解洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司及其土壤修复技术。

谷腾环保网:欢迎做客谷腾环保网。首先,请您简单介绍一下洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司。Welcome to www.goootech.com. First,please introduce Raw Shanghai briefly.

洛尔环境:RAW Shanghai is an international company that cleans up Contamination and Pollution. RAW has established a joint venture company in Shanghai.洛尔环境科技(上海)有限公司是一家国际公司,主营清洁污染,是洛尔集团在上海成立的一家合资公司。

RAW has over 35 years of experience in dealing with contamination and pollution, which is why we are the UK’s specialist in contamination clean up.洛尔集团有超过35年的处理污染的经验,这就是为什么我们是英国的污染清洁专家。

RAW cleans up the affect of contamination on soils, industrial waste, sludge, groundwater, surface water, waste water, and sewage.洛尔集团清洁被污染的土壤、工业废渣、污泥、地下水、地表水、废水和污水。

RAW is the UKs largest specialist remediation contractor with the greatest number of specialist remediation engineers and scientists.洛尔集团是英国最大最专业的污染修复承包商,拥有最庞大的修复工程师和科学家专家团队。

谷腾环保网:贵公司在环保领域的主要业务方向?The company’s main business direction in EP area?

洛尔环境:Clean up of soils, sludge and water contaminated with substances such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, solvents and other contaminating chemicals.清洁被污染的土壤、污泥和污水,包括重金属污染、碳氢化合物污染、溶剂污染和其他化学物污染。

谷腾环保网:土壤修复为贵公司的主要业务之一。贵公司主要的土壤修复技术有哪些?请对主要技术做一个简单的介绍。Soil Remediation is your main business. What’s your main soil remediation technology? Please introduce.

洛尔环境:Our business is remediation of soil and groundwater. For soil we always use the most appropriate technology based on the type of contamination, the soil type and the targets required. One of our many remediation technologies is rapid soil stabilization, adding one of many possible reagents to achieve remediation targets and up to 400 m3 per hour can be treated this way using our own RAW VL equipment. The reagents allow us to stabilize soils contaminated with heavy metals or hydrocarbons or hydrocarbon oxide contaminants in soils or sludge. The machine can treat soils, industrial wastes and wet sludge, including soft wet clays like those found in Shanghai.我们的主营业务是修复土壤和地下水。关于土壤的修复,我们总是使用最恰当的技术,这取决于污染物的类型、土壤的类型和所要求达到的标准。我们众多修复技术之一是快速土壤修复,加入众多可能的化学药剂之一就可以达到修复目标,使用我们洛尔土壤稳定设备,可达到每小时的400立方米的处理量。这些药剂可以帮助稳定被重金属、碳氢化合物或碳氢化合物的氧化物污染的土壤或污泥。这个设备可以处理土壤、工业废渣和污泥,包括上海的软湿土。

谷腾环保网:贵公司的土壤修复技术主要针对哪一类型的受污染土壤?修复后的土壤能够达到什么标准?what kind of contamination can be treated by your soil remediation technology? What standard can be reached of the remediated soil?

洛尔环境:All kinds of contamination can be treated, specifically heavy metals, hydrocarbons, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, tars, dioxins, pesticides, cyanide and others. Treatment is always tailored to the specific contamination and our expertise is shown in the bespoke design of the treatment required. No two treatments are the same and it is our expertise that delivers success and achieves remediation targets.所有类型的污染都可以处理,尤其是重金属、碳氢化合物、挥发性的或半挥发性的有机化合物、氯化碳氢化合物、焦油、二恶英、农药、氰化物污染等。修复方案通常是根据不同的污染物量身定做的,我们设计的修复方案中有专家对污染物的鉴定书。所有污染的修复方法都是不同的,由于我们专业使得我们成功并达到修复目标。

UK and other international remediation targets based on risk assessment can be achieved to make treated materials suitable for reuse on site for a variety of different uses, dependant on requirements.英国和其他国际修复标准都基于风险评估报告。经过处理的土壤可重复利用并且有许多不同的用途,这取决于客户的要求。

谷腾环保网:贵公司土壤修复技术,相对于其他土壤修复技术,有哪些优势?其修复周期如何?修复成本如何?是否会产生二次污染?What’s your soil remediation technology’s advantage compared to other remediation technology? How about the remediating period? Cost? Whether it will produce secondary contamination?

洛尔环境:The advantages of using the RAW VL soil stabilization plant are speed – up to 400 m3 per hour with a single machine, the variety of contaminants that can be treated, such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons, the range of soil types, wet clays, industrial sludge that can be treated and that remediation targets can always be achieved.使用洛尔土壤稳定设备的好处就是速度快。仅用单一的设备就可以达到每小时400立方米的处理量,各种污染都可以处理,诸如重金属污染和碳氢化合物污染,各种类型的土壤、湿土、工业污泥都可以处理并且总是能达到修复目标。

The speed and efficiency of the treatment results in low cost.高效率的同时成本也很低。

No secondary contamination will be produced by the treatment. RAW always provides a comprehensive thorough treatment process. 修复不会产生二次污染,在整个处理过程中,洛尔会提供综合评估。

谷腾环保网:贵公司有没有与国内其它环保公司合作的意愿?如果有,期望以什么样的模式合作?Are you willing to cooperate with other EP company? If yes, what kind of cooperation?

洛尔环境:Raw is willing to cooperate with other Chinese EP company. They know the EP market; keep a good relationship with government and domestic client. And Raw has specialize environmental remediation technologies,advanced equipment and special chemical reagents. I believe that by cooperating with others to win big profit, Raw can extent its Chinese business area, develop environmental remediation market and achieve big success.洛尔非常愿意与中国的其他环保公司合作,他们更了解国内的环保市场,拥有丰富的客户资源并且建立了政府部门的良好关系,而洛尔拥有专业的环境修复技术、国际先进的设备、独家秘制的化学药剂等优势,相信通过与其他环保公司互惠互利的战略合作模式,洛尔能够更好的在中国拓展业务,开辟环境修复市场,获得更大的成功。

谷腾环保网:谢谢您接受我们的采访。Thank you for our interview。

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